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5 Tips To Manage Stress

Mar 28

5 Tips To Manage Stress

Our physical well-being is directly affected by our mental state. Stress can affect our immunity and energy levels. It is vital to take some time to relieve stress and other mental tensions. By calming your brain and releasing anxiety, you will feel calm and ready to face any challenges head-on. It can also improve your immune system by reducing stress. Here are some suggestions to release tensions.


Mindfulness Meditations

A few mindfulness breaks can help you release stress. To begin, close your eyes and become aware of your body. Then relax your shoulders and any tension in your body. With your awareness, take your time. Relax each part of your body, one at a time. Keep your eyes open and take a deep breath. This will not only make your life easier but also save you time and have a positive impact on the quality of your mind. Make your own rituals if you find it hard to take mindfulness breaks. You can light a candle or burn incense. Shankara offers many aromatherapy oils that can be used to enhance the mood and induce deeper meditation. Massage Mesa has partnered with Shankara and now offers an exclusive line of aromatherapy blends that you can add to any massage. It will increase relaxation and restore the body.

Stay Grounded With Massage

Ungrounding can make us feel more stressed and overwhelmed. It is important to get back to our bodies in order to calm the racing thoughts. Massage is one great way to achieve this. Massage Mesa’s highly trained massage therapists will be able to help you find the right technique for you. Regular massages can make all the difference in restoring and maintaining inner strength and harmony. Massaging is an essential part of our wellness. It is suggested that you practice a small self-massage on a regular basis, if not every day. This is a wonderful way to retain the benefits of professional massages between visits.

Focused on Breathing

Our breathing is affected when we are stressed. Alternate nostril breathing, which is a great technique to calm the mind, is one of my favorite breathing exercises. This is a powerful tool to reduce stress. The Art of Living has created this video that demonstrates alternate nostril breathing.


This is a powerful, simple way to ease tension in your mind and body. This will give you approximately 10 minutes of uninterrupted time. Start by getting up from your chair, laying down on the ground, or standing. You can close your eyes, relax and allow your body to release tension. You may feel like your body is contracting, swaying, or lengthening. Your system may be experiencing tension. You may feel like you are yawning. Emotions will most likely arise during this process, as stress is released. Be present to the emotions rising up and their release in waves. Afterward, rest as much as you need. Then, get back into the action. You will be amazed at how light and refreshed it makes you feel. You might find it difficult to feel into your body if you listen to music. You can also try this: Stand straight up with your eyes closed, open your legs, bend your knees, relax your body and bounce gently. This will allow you to connect more easily with and feel what's going on inside of yourself.

Invite Restorative Bed

If you want to have a better night's sleep, it is important that you do not use electronic devices more than an hour before bed. This will give your brain a chance for relaxation. You can do relaxing music, gentle stretching, or even a warm bath to ease the tension. For calming and grounding, you can make a cup with turmeric milk.

These tips can all be used to relieve tension and improve physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.




Massage Mesa

Mesa Az

(480) 992 5050